HomeProductsLighting Hoists


Lighting Hoists

The Doughty range of Lighting Hoists provides a highly versatile and economical suspension system.  Together with our comprehensive range of control systems, specifically designed for the hoists, they provide a fully optimised and easy to use H & S compliant system.  Our hoists have a flexible, modular design which aids in maintenance and installation.  Low self-weight reduces building costs, and compact “closed height” allows more useable height  in the studio.  The barrel trolley “roll past” feature is standard.

A full range of socket plates are available to suit individual requirements, including audio, video, DMX and technical power.  Flatform, round and special power cables can be used. Sensors: overload, slack rope, rope break on each rope, top and bottom travel limits, with ultimate travel limits.  Controllers can be supplied with wired and wireless pendant stations.

Doughty Lighting Hoists are specified to individual requirements.  Please contact our Technical Sales department for more information.

Custom hoists using the same basic components can be made allowing a huge range of possibilities, if you have special requirements please contact our sales team.  Hoists have been supplied with straight trusses, truss rectangles, very long hoists, curtains, ‘L’ & ‘U’ shaped hoists.  Some have rolled on tracks or been self-climbing.  Some have had special loads such as a projector or huge chandelier.  Our special hoists often prove a cost effective alternative to typical solutions such as chain hoists.

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  • : All Hoists are made to order